Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Laughing (Christmas) Tree!

Greetings all Tree lovers!

The Laughing Tree will be taking a vacation from December 24-27th! Of course, the website will be open for business, as is the rest of the world wide web, and your orders will be processed on the 28th. 

BUT, what you really have to look forward to, upon my return, is a chronicle of The Laughing Tree's first Christmas, on the road...IN VEGAS! 'Cause that's where I'm going. We don't actually celebrate Christmas for religious reasons, but since it is now a huge commercialized holiday, our family will partake in the festivities with the rest of America, which is likely to at least be grateful for a few days off from work, even if we all celebrate (or not) for different reasons during this time of year. I'm absolutely ecstatic about seeing Le Reve and Phantom in Vegas this weekend!!

So, a great big Happy Holiday Season from The Laughing Tree, and a gargantuan Thank You for your support! May your days be filled with laughter :) 

Dang, this apple looks amazing.

Love & Laughter,


Monday, December 20, 2010

$55 tacos from a truck not as good as they sound

David and his new girl. He picked one of the 
more conservative ones, wifey material.

I just remembered my bill for a sad taco breakfast that I haven't paid, so I will share with you its story. 

A few weekends ago (maybe two, maybe memory fails me), my friend David and I went out in search of some breakfast in downtown LA to bring back to our friend's apartment so we could all feast. We drove ourselves somewhere into the Fashion District, I assume, because there were lots of bootylicious headless mannequins lining the sidewalks (refer to picture above). After driving for a few blocks, we decided we were too hungry to continue, and thankfully spotted a taco truck parked alongside one such sidewalk of America's Next Top Mannequins. Three cars down from the truck, there was an open meter spot, but I had no change with me. We decided that we could easily keep an eye on my car since we were only three cars away from the taco truck. I spotted a parking officer on bike writing a ticket for a motorcycle right next to the taco truck, which should have served as an omen and not an okay. I said, "Wonderful, I'll just watch this guy and as soon as he starts making his way down the street, I'll dash to my car and drive it away." So we placed our order and I got an old school coke made with cane sugar, so happy! Then, my spidey senses tingled and I spotted the PO start down the street in the direction of my car, so I immediately started running and quickly passed him...only to find that, upon nearing my car, another PO was biking away from it. Sinking feeling. I slow my pace and walk up to the windshield. Sunk. There's the parking ticket, tucked under my windshield wiper, literally three minutes after I parked my car. The PO I passed on the way rides by me. It's a conspiracy.

Tacos: $20
Parking: $55
Irony: Priceless

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I'm a Hustler!

I can't believe this is actually happening...The Laughing Tree website is LAUNCHED!!! It is my and Kevin Kwok (my amazing website designer's) labor of love for the past few months. I hope you guys will like it because I LOVE the products that I've chosen to share with you. I really wanted to get the site up before the holidays because I know some of these things will come in useful during the season; for gift giving, stocking stuffers, white elephant, or personal use. I hope they will make you as happy as they make me!!! Share the news and laughter with your friends!!!!

And take a look at Kevin's blog post about the creation of The Laughing Tree logo. It shows the first sketches he came up with and how it evolved to the final Laughing Tree logo, after taking my endless requests for things to tweak. He really brought to life what I saw in my head but what I didn't have the skills to create. Thank you for my Laughing Tree, Kevin!!

Freelance: The Laughing Tree

Happy shopping and a great big "Thank you!!" from The Laughing Tree for everyone's support!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

this one time when my car stopped 7 times on the freeway...

True story. It happened today, you can ask my car if you don't believe me. I was going to blog about that other time when my car stalled in the intersection while I was with my friend Steph and everyone had to go around me while cursing and shaking their fists at me for holding up traffic, but today's is so much better because the sheer number of times I turned off my engine while on the freeway within 10 minutes is astounding. Now I'm making my car sound bad, but it's really never had a problem before, until two months ago and I don't know why. My car has been with me ever since I started learning to drive when I was sixteen. I took my driver's test in it. I got in my first fender bender in it (death match between Car vs. Garage). It accompanied me so faithfully every other weekend from LA to San Diego, and trips to Vegas. I even taught my 13 year old sister to park in it. Most importantly, it has the most beautiful voice!!!! We sing together everywhere we go, and I've never heard music so beautiful as it does coming from my car. I'm no automobile fiend, and I know I could've given my car more attention, but still it has been loyal.

So now, I sit here in an empty gas station off the 10 freeway somewhere between La Brea and Crenshaw at 9:38pm and cherish these last moments we have together because I don't know if this is the end. It takes losing to know you'll miss it.

In the words of Maroon 5,

"It's not over tonight
Just give me one more chance to make it right
I may not make it through the night
I won't go home without you."

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Chase

It's the best part. You dance back and forth on the glittering floor, neither one giving in, but both wanting to. Pushing the limit of how far you can go, but not actually getting there just yet. You hate how you stay in the same spot, but you love all the new ways of remaining there. So relish the feeling, savor the taste, let all the butterflies free and lose yourself in a sky full of them. You'll always smile when you think of the chases, because it's the only time of perfection, and that's why it's the best part. 

Welcome to me

I never realized how the first post of a blog could be awkward. It’s like anxiously standing by the door of my new, empty home, waiting for my first guest to arrive to tell me what they think, and when they do arrive, they see a house with nothing in it but me. With this first post, I have to find some way to make them want to come back, by promising that my house will be filled with new, fancy, interesting things each time they visit. So I hope you will come back to visit, sit on my comfy chairs that I will install, drink from my diamond champagne glasses, and share your thoughts with me.